
Showing posts from 2015

Shit We Do On Social Media

What's up folks? I hope you guys are having helluva fun this vacations! Watched Bajirao Mastani. Good movie, especially Ranveer's acting. It could have been better had they portrayed more of warrior Bajirao rather than lover Bajirao. Deepika is insanely beautiful as usual! Meanwhile, high court just acquitted Bhai of all the charges in that classic hit and run case! Only Bhai can go to a bar and drink a glass of water! Bhai Roxx! They should seriously consider this! Okay. Usually December is for the 'Frankly Speaking' series but I decided to not to go with Arnab this time. Moving on,  I just happened to log in to my facebook account after like a month. The first thing that popped up is a random girl's display picture. Well, she was lying on a beach, tangerine sunset in the background. Overall it was a great picture, especially the scenic paradise in the background! And what caught my eye was the caption, "Ur attitude may hurt me but mine can ...

We Don't Need No Religion

Disclaimer: If you're an extremely religious person or some sort of faith fanatic, stop reading this right away. My intention isn't to offend anyone. I'm just sharing my opinions and my viewpoint here. Yes. Feel free to flush it down the drain, if you disagree.  Thank You. If seeing this guy makes your blood boil, STOP READING. I REPEAT. STOP READING. (Pic What's up folks? Hope you're enjoying your Diwali vacations. I wish you all a very happy and prosperous Diwali! Yes. Asked God to spread happiness and peace all over, if not, he can go fuck himself. And yes, Happy Children's Day. Never kill that inner child in you. Never. Moving forward, Modi's in UK. Epic speech at Wembley, must say. I guess he's the second guy of Asian heritage to rock Wembley with such magnitude! After Freddie Mercury of course! (1986, Queen, live at Wembley) First Madison Square and now Wembley. A rockstar indeed! No. I’m not a ‘bhakt’ or somethi...

How Fucked Up Are We?

No one said it better than this author. (Pic Source: What's up folks? I know I'm a bit late this time as I just finished writing 989787658476 pages of mindless batcrap in the name of assignments and journals. I never quite understood the logic behind writing the same stuff that's already available in printed form. It's like catching a Karjat bound local train from Dadar, when the fact is that you actually want to reach Andheri. Never mind, I can go cribbing about all that's fucked up about this education system for decades! Also, I had the privilege of attending the most disruptive blogging conference ever! BNLF (Blog Now, Live Forever) Yes. I know. Saw Bruce Dickinson. Live. On stage. Standing at an arm's distance! Damn! If I were a girl, I would have totally made out with him, right there! Absolute legend! Best. Event. Ever! Okay. Moving on, remember in school how we used to think our future would be? Yes. The go...

101: How To Be A Jerk!

The only kind of people in this world. (Pic Source: What's up folks! Celebrated my 20th birthday a few weeks back. I'd first like to thank you all for those wishes that poured in! The last time so many people had wished for my happiness was when I had floated rumours about settling in Himalayas forever, renouncing myself from this world! Everyone was so happy that they'll be finally getting rid of my nonsense. But only until they realized that I was kidding and it hurt them real bad. Yes. Anyway, Happy Ganesh Chaturthi! Best thing about Ganeshotsav are Momos..err Modaks! Well, never mind. Okay, skipping the part where I whine about how fucked up my life is, I'll move on saving your much precious time. Remember the time when being nice was seen as great quality? Maybe somewhere around the Stone Age era. When good peeps were roaming around naked on this planet without being judged, rubbing flint stones, producing fire and shit! Everyone was...

Whatever Happened To Our Childhood Dreams.

"Change your Whatsapp display pic to our Tricolour, can't you show some respect for our nation? At least for day?" "Yaar, iss desh ka kuch nahi ho sakta. Ek baar GRE clear du, fir toh US mein hi settle ho jaaunga!"  "Infosys bekaar hai bey. Google aur JP Morgan mein hi job ke liye try karunga!"    And so I began my Independence Day celebrations by blocking these self proclaimed intellectuals and pseudo jingoists. Okay. Maybe I'm feeling a bit inspirational today. That'd be because I watched Border for like 23845657th time on Zee Cinema yesterday. Or because I just heard the legendary speech, "Tryst With Destiny" on History channel. Whatever may be the reason, this article is not like my usual satires. You may find it a bit boring and way too long. Basically, this article is just my brain spitting out a philosophical and motivational twaddle on this platform, just like the concoction of an average paan eater's spu...

Teenage Love: A Ridiculous Prelude!

Good luck finding that imaginary person. (Pic Source: Tumblr.) What's up folks! Well, hope you're enjoying this blissful season of rains. Yeah, me too. Water logged roads, floating feces, potholes deeper than your psychological quotes, disrupted local trains, traffic jams! Damn! Such a beautiful weather! Meanwhile, New Horizons recently had a Pluto fly by!  Yaar, log Pluto ki photo kheech kar le aate hai, aur hamein yahaan PAN card ke liye passport photo kichwaane photo studio jaane nhi hota. People also spotted a heart shaped spot on it. The desperation to relate anything to love! Picture on left: How some people see Pluto. Picture on right: How I see 'Pluto' (Pic Credits : Google Images) So much has been going on in the world of space exploration recently. Reportedly Stephen Hawking is about to work on a $100mn project with this Russian billionaire Yuri Milner, to search for extraterrestrial life. Well, considering the guy's godmode intellectu...

The Social Acceptance Quandary!

Customary quote by some random great person to begin the article . As usual, it's Kurt Cobain. (PIC CREDITS: What's up folks? I hope you're enjoying your vacations! Yeah, me too. Most of my friends are currently partying in Goa! Although my idea of a perfect vacation is limited to staying at home and lying on my couch 24*7, thinking about life, universe, profound philosophy, tweeting lame jokes and wondering whether or not I'll get laid in future. So, now they've banned Maggi. *cries* :'( Yes. Keep these MSG threats to yourself. The last time I was really scared of MSG was when Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh was acting in it. Okay. Jokes apart, lead is a slow poison and is definitely harmful if consumed in excess. The worst mistake Maggi committed was not printing a statutory warning, "Excessive consumption of Maggi can be injurious to healt...

Absurd Indian Advertisements!

GET OVER IIT'S, YOU FAGGOTS! IIN IS HERE! (Pic Credits: Google Images) What's up folks? Well, I'd been a bit busy these days, slogging my ass writing assignments and doing submissions for the so called 'internal marks'. Submissions are the most pathetic stage in an engineer's life. We've to literally 'submit' ourselves to the profs and faculty, so that they can screw us as they wish. And in return award us with good grades. (only if you're in their good books and have the ability to lick it well & clean!) I never gave a fuck about grades, so it doesn't really matter much to me. The other day I was surfing channels on my idiot box and just then these advertisements started to introspect my whole thinking process altogether. So, I decided why not write something on it. I never quite understood the logic behind some of the advertisements they display on the tube these days. For instance, the 'AXE Deodorant' advert. Like ...