
Showing posts from July, 2013

The Facebook and Twitter Trend!

'A tu facebook pe hai?'' ''Haan, ruk tujhe add karta hu'' Its not long that you've not heard such convos before, unless you're living in 'Neanderthal' era! Social media has entered in our lives just like a viral infection. People who are away from this are considered an outcast in today's generation. Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram etc...the list is endless. People are so hooked and dependent on these websites that even for one day if any one of this shuts down, a 'civil war' like situation is formed! But amidst all these socail media craze, what we're losing is our real life relationships. Oh wait. Before I start giving 'Grandpa' type 'gyaan' let me take a look at myself! I'm also the member of these 'Social Media Addicts' creed. But I'm denying that fact.  Anyways, Facebook and twitter have taken over our lives in such a dominating manner that we've started creating...