A Surreal Dream!

*I was strolling with her, on a beach.. discussing random things, just then...*

Me: "Your twinkling blue eyes, shining like stars in the skies. Your beautiful smile, gleaming like pearls of divine. As the moon is sinking beyond the shore, all I'm seeing is your face, glistening galore! It's not love. It's not lust. As my heart goes wandering for you, amidst stardust! Its much more than that. I'm sorry, but this poem is as crap as a mole rat!"

*Deafening silence for a minute*

Me: I love you! :)

She: "Aww... That's the most interesting thing someone has said to me! I love you too! :)"

We gazed deep into each others eyes, slowly condensing the distance among us...
3, 2, 1....Happy New Year!! Fireworks and cheers started to fade away in the background, as we were slowly getting lost in ourselves...

And then, just when I was about to have the most beautiful phase of of life...


The sound of my alarm clock startled me from my deep sleep and this utopia  had just ended. And, that's how I woke up to my new year, hugging my pillow. Feeling miserable and pathetic as shit. From being on the gates of heaven, within seconds I was teleported to a jungle in Africa, crying with some malnourished kids, stranded with them, in that jungle! Oh, yes. Come on..go ahead, judge me!

This is what happens when you watch a beauty like Jacqueline Fernandez dancing in random award shows aired on TV, just before you go to sleep. 
Also, thanks to all the PDA on social networking sites, my mind just decided to aggravate it through my dreams. The only good thing about that dream was that micro-poem, I instantly opened my cell phone's quick note and shamelessly saved it as a draft. If only I had shown this kind of enthusiasm while studying, I'd have cleared my KT by now!

Before I start with my Devdas tales, Let me wish you all my dear readers a Happy New Year!!
May you all be as happy as fuck, lifelong, just as you get happy when you find a bubble wrap!
(If at all you start feeling sad, contact me for bubble wraps! :D)

So, moving on, there's no purpose for writing this article, just like there's no purpose in my life.
I just wanted to blurt out shit from my head and some useless announcements!

And, yes I'd like to inform you that, I'll be starting a Youtube channel soon, with some awesome guys and my best buddies, moving all my existing all well as upcoming blog articles into a video format.(I'm tired of writing kilometer long articles and also I want to ruin this beautiful paradise called Youtube, with my creativity, just like I ruined up Blogger! Yes, I'm sorry Google.)

Meanwhile, I also managed to get an internship at this beautiful site called WittyFeed
Thanks to Vatsana Technologies! And also thanks to my dear friend Siddhii, who suggested me and helped me a lot about this internship thingy...(Visit her blog for some awesome articles. A great writer indeed! : A Symphony For The Soul)

As I've started thanking people, I would also like to thank this beloved friend of mine, Prathamesh Satardekar (Rats)
This guy is the best! He always encourages me to keep on writing, bearing all my shitty articles and suggesting his reviews and improvements! He's an awesome writer himself! His blog, titled ' My Life...' never fails to amuse me! Do visit it, to read some amazing articles!

 I'd also like to thank this brilliant friend of mine, Advait Ambeskar. For giving me an opportunity to work in an incredible website, Readhare. (Oh yes, I'll submit my new article soon! Please bear with my delay for some days!)

Okay. I know. Wait. Now, stop abusing me. Okay. This article is turning out to be longer than my...well never mind! I just wanted to give you guys a good news! I'm done with blogging as of now. Yes. This is my last article! (I hope)

I saved the last 'Thank You' for the best. You guys! You readers who read my articles! (Its a very small number, but still) You're bestest! I just can't express my gratitude towards you in words! Thank You peeps. Thank You!!

So, now that I've laid most of you to sleep with this lumbering and ponderous article, and killed many with boredom. For the people who've survived reading it till here, its time I say farewell! (I'm sorry for ruining your sunday. You can find my residential address on my facebook profile, in case you want to kill me for this article!)

I hope we meet again soon, but on the dark side of the moon!( Well, that was a bit poetic! :D)

"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time,
plans that either come to naught, or half a page of scribbled lines.
Hanging on in quite desperation is the English way, 
the time is gone, the song is over, thought I had something more to say."

~ Pink Floyd (Song : Time.)

Till then, Adios! :)


  1. So emotional this post was -_-

    1. OMG! I'm glad you read this! HATS OFF DUDE!! _/\_
      I'm sorry if I made you cry! :P
      *hands over a box of tissue papers*

  2. y did u write abt me ?! :o :p
    my blog can't b compared wid urs..
    ur posts r inevitable.. keep writing... (y)

    1. Come on, your blog is awesome. I just want to dedicate my time for this Youtube thing! If it fails, I'll be back here as usual! :D

  3. Emotional but enjoyed while reading


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