Coming Back To Life!

"Long you live and high you'll fly. And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry. And all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be!"

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I sat dumbstruck, gazing at my result sheet. I had flunked in nearly every subject and the doom of a year drop was looming across my dull future.
Mindlessly, I went outside to get some fresh air. Just then the vibration of my phone startled my thoughts. It was Papa; probably calling to check on my result. I didn't have the guts to pick up the call and say that I've flunked badly and got myself a drop. With trembling hands, I silenced the call and then decided to go to the nearby medical store. By that time, I'd decided I'd end this misery once and for all. I went to the medical shop and bought some sleeping pills. I'd heard somewhere that an overdose of those pills give you a painless death, in sleep! Suicidal thoughts were flooded my mind making me feel pathetic about myself.
I got those 'so-called' death pills and slowly started moving towards the local garden. Here, the view was different. I sat on one of the benches gazing blankly at the surroundings, popping these pills one by one...

It hadn't been much longer, these pills started to show their magic. I started feeling dizzy and decided to sleep.. maybe the longest sleep of my life!

Just then a small boy approached me, looking cheerful; as if he were the happiest and the most carefree kid on this planet! 

I asked the kid who he was.
He replied "I've come here to play with my daddy! Look he's buying me an Ice Cream! What are you doing!?"
The boy's words sounded so sweet and full of innocence that I couldn't stop myself from answering him.
"I am going to die. I'm killing myself.." I replied.
Hearing this the kid said, "Why are you killing yourself!? Please don't do this!? How will you then play football with your Daddy? And how will you enjoy the tasty Ice Cream with him! There's no fun in dying. It is bad."

Those words yet simple, struck me like bullets in my heart. My mind flashed the memories of the times when I was just a little kid like this boy. The times when I used to visit the garden with Mummy and Papa and play football with them and ride my tricycle. Those ice creams, sugar candies and lollipops which they bought for me. Those toys, the Hotwheels car sets, Beyblades and those comic books.. the times when I was ill and the delicious soup which Mom prepared. It could heal almost any illness in the world! Those sleepless nights on which Papa would be awake just to check my temperature and look after me...
For a moment my whole childhood sprawled in my mind. Tears started welled up my eyes..

I became numb and before I could realise, I'd started crying...

The kid was watching me closely and asked "Why are you crying!?"
Wiping my tears, I stammered "I..I want to live kid.. I don't want to die..Its too late now.. I've committed a huge mistake. Those death pills which I ate..they'll kill me eventually.."

Upon hearing this the kid smiled and said "Its never too late." And started running away from me, towards his Dad, who was  eagerly waiting for him with Ice creams!

"What's your name kid!?" I shouted behind him.
"My name is Neeraj!" he replied and faded away into nothingness...

The sound of my phone woke me up. I could hear distant sounds of kids playing in the park and could feel the cool breeze...
I rubbed my eyes to examine where I was. Maybe in heaven!
I was sitting in the garden. I had fallen asleep out of crying and fortunately, that was just a surreal dream I had. I sensed my cellphone still vibrating in my pocket. It was Papa. I answered it at once.
"Yes Papa, Hmm..Sorry Papa, but  I've flunked badly... too badly I guess. I've got a year drop.."
There was stunning silence at the other end. After a few moments Papa replied..
"Its okay beta, just come home, don't you think of doing something stupid. Everything will be fine. We'll give it for revaluation..Just stay positive.."
"Umm, yeah..I'll reach in an hour or so. Bye!"
Saying so I disconnected the phone.

As I fumbled my pockets to keep my cellphone back, I found those sleeping pills which I'd bought earlier but did not have the courage to eat. I took them and threw them in a nearby gutter.

A new surge of hope was awakened within me, as I began to leave the park. The setting sun was glistening very beautifully. I looked up at the crimson sky and saw the picture of that kid who I'd seen in my dream. I smiled and began walking home. It felt, as if I just came back...came back to life, again!
No matter what, never give up on your life. Its the only thing that stays with you till you die!

Whats up peeps! I've been a bit late in publishing this article as I was busy with submissions. Yeah, not a single file yet submitted. Defaulters and shit..never mind. Feel free to abuse, criticize, give death threats or whatever. Do read it and let me know how it is, your response would be warmly appreciated. I'm a novice in writing sentimental stuff and prefer humour over emotions, so bear with it! I'd also like to thank Siddhi for reviewing this lame ass article! Thank You!
Till then, Kudos!! :) 


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